Saturday, June 5, 2010

We're jumping into the blogosphere

Well, I'm testing my hand at blogging...or event posting. I will try and actually write something from time to time instead of just posting pictures.  (DISCLAIMER #1: I'm not a good writer.  Often my writing follows my speech patterns.  Anything that sounds like it was intelligently written was probably written by Bryan).

My initial thought about having a blog included being able to share our lives with family and friends who are not on Facebook, like my parents. (DISCLAIMER #2: it’s not that I don’t want them to join Facebook, but do they really need to know my inner thoughts all the time???)  And if you are on Facebook, following this blog will allow you to just get to the skinny, bypassing my post of what I ate for lunch or my latest celebrity RIP post AND without having to muddle through the bull crap of Farmville and Mafia Wars.

As Bryan and I embark on new adventures, we will try and keep you apprised through this blog.  So here we go...

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