Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Okinawa Day 4: Free Day

This is not kosher...beware.
Finally, a free day...thank goodness.  It's just what we needed after drinking all night and going to karaoke.  Bryan one-upped me by staying up till 5:30am watching the US's first World Cup game.  After missing breakfast, we got up and headed out to walk around Kokusai-dori (International Street).  Sitting at Starbucks we see my parents walk by.  We enjoyed the rest of the afternoon together.
We went to Heiwadori, which is an open market, similar to a bazaar in Turkey or a flea market in the US.
We also went to some Hello Kitty store as well. Lynde was excited.
Now, I've heard of worms in Tequila, but this was ridiculous. Ever heard of snake in awamori?

1 comment:

  1. I actually have! They also make tequila with a cobra and a scorpian in it's mouth!
