Saturday, July 3, 2010

Okinawa Day 9: Rehearsal, Performance, Uchiage Party...and Eggplant Spaghetti!

Today was the second performance at the Ryukyu Shimpo Hall (newspaper company).  We had rehearsal and the performance on the same day.

There no better way to prep for a performance than Nasu (eggplant) spaghetti.

(Bryan, Terence and Jodie)

Hanging out backstage in between numbers.

(Yuko, Jodie, Hiromi, me)

(Mutsumi, Fumi, Chikako, Yuki)

Pics from after the show.


(Akiko, Keith, Joey, Melissa, Ryan)

(me, Jay, Terence)

At the after party at Keiko Kina's Ohana.

(Maui members)

(me, Alice)

(Kosumi, Tomo, Bryan and I)

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