Saturday, July 3, 2010

Okinawa Day 8: Free Day #2- Kimono, Anniversary & Meet'n'Greet

Who knew buying kimono would take so long.  I think we started at 10am and finished after 1pm.  It was a flurry in the beginning because there was a whole bunch of us that needed kimono.  Then after one hour, it was just the eight of us...I felt bad for my dad who was just hanging out on the side.  A true roadie!

But after all that, we all (except my dad) walked away with something.

The only way to recover from three hours is eating.  We embarked down Kokusai-dori for a good place to eat.  We found a cute restaurant on a side street and ordered three soki soba (spare rib noodle soup) and one gurukun (white fish popular in Okinawa).   It was a great way to celebrate Mom and Dad's anniversary.

The evening concluded with a dee-lious lobster dinner with Sugiko's family.  Sugiko is Terence's fiance (Terence is my older bro).  We met her parents, older sister, and two nieces.  This was the first time that our families met.  It was a lovely evening and I'm very excited for them to be a part of our family.

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