Sunday, June 13, 2010

Okinawa, Day 1

After 15 hours in an extremely warm airplane, Bryan and I have arrived in Okinawa.  We were greeted by members of the Terukina family AND the usual monsoon-esque weather- 100% humidity and rain.  After a short ride on the monorail, we arrived at our hotel and then proceeded to our first order of business...EATING!

I'm not sure if I've encounter this phenomenon anywhere else, but I love ordering my food from a vending machine.  It's not like one of those machines that make cup-o-noodles.  But instead, you put your money in the machine and choose what you want.  The vending machine gives you a ticket, you take your ticket up to the counter and 5-10 minutes later, your food is delivered to your table.

The food was good and best of all, you need not tip in Japan! 


  1. Missing you! Bryan, take a picture or two of Lynde!

  2. It looks like you're having so much fun! Jealous! Can't wait to hear more stories and see more pictures!
